SPEAKER ... Mr. Oscar Hernandez III, Williams County Health Dept. Commissioner, was guest speaker for the Feb. 10th meeting of Parkview-Montpelier Hospital Auxiliary in the hospital conference room. He was given an appreciation gift on behalf of the auxiliary. Shown from left to right are auxiliary members Jill Beck, Historian Ruth Cooley, Hernandez, and Treasurer Joyce Schelling.
PRESS RELEASE - Williams County Health Department Commissioner Oscar Hernandez III served as guest speaker for the Monday, Feb. 10th meeting of Parkview-Montpelier Hospital Auxiliary in the hospital's conference room.
Junior Past President Armeda Sawmiller conducted the meeting since President Linda Dilworth was unable to attend. Armeda led members in the auxiliary prayer to open the meeting.
Program committee member Joyce Schelling introduced the guest speaker for his presentation. A graduate of the University of Toledo and Bluffton University with an MBA & REHS/ RS certifications, Commissioner Hernandez formerly served in Defiance & Fulton County as a sanitarian for environmental health and later in emergency response.
Recently he served as manager for Meijer's in food safety and quality compliance. Following the retirement of Jim Watkins, Mr. Hernandez was appointed as the new Williams County Health Department Commissioner, who oversees a staff of 23.
Public health started in England in the 1800's with many suffering from cholera caused by contamination of the water supply from sewage dumped in the streets.
Researchers found that brewmasters didn't get the sickness since some chose to drink mostly beer instead of water, which helped lead to the discovery of the disease.
Mr. Hernandez gave an overview of the services currently provided to the public by the health department:
*Birth & Death Certificates - Records maintained (births after 1908 & deaths starting in 1964).
*Car Seat Safety-Child Passenger Safety - Program-providing free education & car seat safety checks for anyone transporting children and providing free child car seats for income-eligible residents (58 car seats were distributed free in 2023).
*Lead checks - Monitoring levels of lead in children's blood resulting from ingesting or inhaling lead paint dust/chips. Workers in manufacturing may be at greater risk of bringing lead dust home. Health department works with Maumee Valley Planning Organization to help owners to eliminate the lead problem.
*Recycling - County Solid Waste & Recycling Program to educate the public about recycling and partner with other agencies to collect & recycle materials through community events & recycling trailers at certain locations scheduled on weekends.
*Catch My Breath - Youth vaping prevention program at local schools to educate students on making choices regarding vaping
*MyPlate - Program educating third graders in schools about healthy nutrition habits to reduce childhood obesity & improve mental health. $10 produce vouchers for local grocery stores are provided to promote more fruits & veggies in the diet.
*Safety Town "Pretty Poison" - Program providing interactive activities to county preschoolers teaching the dangers of household poisons.
*ECHO Coalition - (Educating Communities on Healthy Opportunities) Promote & advocate to healthy lifestyles free from substance abuse including drugs, alcohol, vaping, and smoking and "popcorn" drugs.
*Safe Communities - Program promotes traffic safety awareness through state, county & local community partners collaboration.
*4YourMentalHealth Campaign - Developed to increase understanding of how to achieve mental wellness, partnered with Four County Suicide Prevention Coalition and the ADAMhs Board.
*Put a Lid on It - Providing children's bike helmets at various community events, funded by grant issued by Ohio Chapter-American Academy of Pediatrics
*Data - Track, monitor & report community health infectious & chronic disease data partnered with local agencies.
*Emergency Preparedness - Prevent, prepare & respond to health-related emergencies, for example-baby formula shortage during COVID.
*Food Safety-licensing & inspection of food service operations, retail establishments and foodborne illness outbreaks. Classes held for certified food services (in future may offer online classes).
*Public Places - License & inspect facilities with public/commercial swim pools & spas and inspect other public places including campgrounds, schools & body art facilities.
*Private Water Systems - Regulation of wells, springs, rainwater cisterns, hauled water storage tanks & ponds providing potable water according to Ohio's sanitary regulations.
*Sewage Treatment System Operation & Maintenance - State-mandated program to reduce pollution & prevent septic system failures. O&M permit required to operate any county sewage treatment system.
*Wellness Programs & Services - Including immunizations for children & adults, reproductive health clinics, link families having children with special health care needs to approved providers, WIC nutrition program serving families with children under 5 and pregnant women, and infectious disease reporting.
The auxiliary thanks Mr. Hernandez for his informative program. More information is available by contacting the Williams County Health Dept., 310 Lincoln Ave., Montpelier, ph: 419-485-3141 or online website "williamscountyhealth.org".
Following the program the auxiliary business meeting was held with roll call answered to "What recipe did you turn in?" for the bakeless bake sale fundraiser.
Thought for the day was "Always laugh when you can, it is cheap medicine" by Lord Byron. Members were thanked for bringing Valentine cards for the hospital staff and patients.
Reports were given by Secretary Connie Dunseth and Treasurer Joyce Schelling. Correspondence was read from auxiliary member Mary Ann Morrison living in Georgia who participates in auxiliary projects. Gloria Poorman has charge of February patient favors.
Sara Dye, Parkview Bryan & Montpelier Hospitals representative, reported that submitted auxiliary information can be added to the hospital's official website & social media pages.
The auxiliary's March meeting is scheduled Monday, March 10th at 12:00 noon at First Presbyterian Church, 114 W. Washington St., Montpelier, with soup & salad luncheon. Members are asked to bring a salad or dessert to share, and soup will be provided.
Guest speaker will be Shirley Fry on human trafficking. Roll call will be "If you traveled to Ireland, what would you like to see?". Members of the nominating committee will be announced. Guests are welcome to attend.
Plans are under way for Montpelier Hospital Auxiliary's Silent Auction planned in the hospital conference room Tuesday, April 8th from 9:00 a.m.-7:00 p.m.
Members are asked to bring new or nearly new donated items to the March 10th meeting to be included in gift baskets for the April 8th silent auction.