How Many Different Pots And Pans Do You Actually Need? - The Takeout

How Many Different Pots And Pans Do You Actually Need? - The Takeout

After you've spun the block a few times, you grow weary of the hodgepodge mess in and about your kitchen cabinets -- which is most often referred to as cookware. Here's the piercing question that every cook overrun with kitchenware ponders at some point. Do I really need all of them? I have good news ... there's light at the end of the tunnel -- you do not need 17 skillets. Downsizing is very much possible, and dare I say, even encouraged.

The key to this cheat code is versatility and high quality; you need pieces capable of handling every cooking task under the sun. The focus isn't just on stocking the kitchen, it's on stocking the kitchen efficiently. An organized kitchen will most certainly include a saucepan for sauces and soups, a skillet for frying and sautéing, a stockpot for large batches, and, of course, a baking dish for those delicious oven recipes. There's no doubt that specialty pans like woks can be nice additions, but they're not essential for many home cooks. (I know some people who love their wok, so that tip might ruffle some feathers, but oh well ... )

Take a more strategic approach and choose multipurpose items that can do double the duties. Take a Dutch oven, for example. It can handle soups, stews, and even bread baking. You get the idea. By focusing on functionality rather than collecting every single pan you come across, you'll save money and storage space and still be ready to cook just about anything. Now, all that's left to do is to determine which pieces are must-haves in your kitchen.

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