Dr. Peter McCullough: "He's a guilty man, and he's responsible for a massive loss of life in the world" * 100PercentFedUp.com * by Noah

Dr. Peter McCullough: "He's a guilty man, and he's responsible for a massive loss of life in the world" * 100PercentFedUp.com * by Noah

Dr. Peter McCullough has always been one of the good guys and he's always been willing to speak out when needed.

But recently he went farther than he ever has before when asked about Anthony Fauci....

Anthony Fauci is a "guilty man," says renowned cardiologist Dr. Peter McCullough.

"He's responsible for a massive loss of life in the world."

Dr. McCullough outlined Fauci's two biggest crimes:

1. Fraud: "He defrauded the country on the origins of SARS-CoV-2, on early treatment of the syndrome, and on Covid-19 vaccine safety and efficacy."

2. Mass Negligent Homicide: Fauci's "actions led to unnecessary deaths."

"He's a guilty man, and he's responsible for a massive loss of life in the world."

Thank you for being one of the good guys Dr. McCullough!

Dr. Peter McCullough has been a huge champion for medical freedom.

One of the few physicians to actually honor his oath and "first do no harm".

Wish we had a lot more like him.

But this latest clip really put it in perspective for me.


"I'm a cardiologist. I can tell you before COVID-19, I saw two cases of myocarditis my entire career ... two cases over decades. Now, I see two cases per day in the clinic."

Watch the full discussion with Doctors Peter McCullough, Roger Hodkinson, William Makis & more here:

Recent research has shed light on potential strategies to mitigate the effects of the spike protein. Dr. Peter McCullough emphasized that the spike protein lingers in the body after vaccination due to the injected genetic code. As a result, there's a pronounced need for therapeutic interventions that can aid in breaking down these proteins. Preclinical studies have pinpointed nattokinase, an enzyme found in fermented soybeans, as a potential aid in degrading the spike protein. Dr. McCullough recommends a dosage of 2000 units of nattokinase twice daily.

Additionally, Dr. McCullough endorses Spike Support Formula, which combines nattokinase with other beneficial ingredients like dandelion root and selenium, which can help protect against the lasting effects of spike proteins.

As one of America's leading cardiologists and COVID-19 experts, Dr. Peter McCullough wasn't afraid to stand up to big pharma, big tech and big government during the pandemic, and he is showing that same courage to sound the alarm today about the ongoing risks posed by mRNA and spike protein shedding:

One of the most common questions I am asked from the unvaccinated stems from concerns over "shedding"... mRNA vaccines are indeed gene therapy products and should have been submitted to excretion studies by DARPA funded researchers long ago.

Sadly, these careful development steps were skipped from the beginning in our military-style vaccine development program, and now the public is grappling with the issue of nucleic acid and Spike protein shedding as a potential concern among those who have worked so hard to remain healthy and free of COVID-19 vaccination.

Fertig et al, have shown mRNA is circulatory in blood for at least two weeks with no reduction in concentration out to that time point. Likewise, Hanna et al, have found mRNA within breast milk. Less data exist on Spike protein shedding but it is not a far stretch to understand this is well within the realm of reality. The pivotal questions are:

Dr. McCullough has been researching the duration of spike-induced injuries as a proxy for risk. While the results are early, he reports that the damage is long-lasting:

My attention was drawn to the follow-up MRI scans... only 20% had resolved their abnormalities at over six months (199 days).

Therefore, the real question we all should be asking ourselves is: How do I get this out of my body?

The mRNA and adenoviral DNA products were rolled out with no idea on how or when the body would ever breakdown the genetic code. The synthetic mRNA carried on lipid nanoparticles appears to be resistant to breakdown by human ribonucleases by design so the product would be long-lasting and produce the protein product of interest for a considerable time period... it is a big problem when the protein is the pathogenic SARS-CoV-2 Spike."

Fortunately, Dr. McCullough has identified a solution: the best-known way to remove and protect against mRNA-carrying spike proteins is a daily dose of over-the-counter nattokinase:

"Nattokinase is an enzyme is produced by fermenting soybeans with bacteria Bacillus subtilis var. natto and has been available as an oral supplement. It degrades fibrinogen, factor VII, cytokines, and factor VIII and has been studied for its cardiovascular benefits. Out of all the available therapies I have used in my practice and among all the proposed detoxification agents, I believe nattokinase and related peptides hold the greatest promise for patients at this time."

If you or someone you love would like to try nattokinase formulated to fight spike, The Wellness Company's "Spike Support Formula" contains nattokinase plus other key extracts (plus, ordering through this link and the links below benefits WLT Report).

In The Wellness Company's Spike Support Formula you will find:

Nattokinase (enzyme shown to dissolve spike protein)

People are saying about The Wellness Company's Spike Support Formula:

"I saw Dr. McCullough talk about the product and decided to give it a try. A month and a half later, I feel sooo much better. I also have recommended the product to family members to help them detox from the painful side effects of the vaccine."

"I feel like I have had brain fog for the past 18 months and after taking this supplement noticed the fog lifting finally. I plan to buy more for myself and now a friend suffering from heart issues."

"I am grateful for the Wellness Company and for you coming out with this spike protein vitamins. I am a big believer in natural healing and not pharmaceutical drugs. Thank you for doing what is right and for speaking truth in a world that is so dark."

According to the Wellness Company, purchasing all the components of the Spike Support Formula would be over $100 - you can save 36% with the unique formulation in The Wellness Company's Spike Support Formula.


I fully expect a new "planned-demic" will show up right in time for the 2024 election.

Oh they might not call it "COVID" again and probably they won't.

Whether it comes in the form of a bioweapon or something much more mundane like a tick bite or a Bill Gates' mosquito - you and your family need to be prepared. That's where The Wellness Company comes in.

You know the Wellness Company and their great doctors - like Dr. Peter McCullough and Dr. Jim Thorp - are regularly in the media speaking out against the broken medical establishment.

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This is a Guest Post from our friends over at WLTReport.

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