MEDINA, Ohio - Council has approved a maximum price agreement with the Ruhlin Company that will move forward the second phase of renovation for the Medina Municipal Court project.
City Engineer Patrick Patton said this next phase of renovation at the former 1969 Courthouse, which the city is leasing from the county to serve as the new municipal court, will include concrete work, steel work, installation of elevators and the purchase of electrical gear.
The cost of this work came in at roughly $1.3 million which is more than $100,000 lower than anticipated, Patton has said. The first contract, which was for asbestos abatement and demolition within the building, also came in at roughly $1.3 million.
Patton asked that the legislation be passed with an emergency clause as the city wants to get started on the work due to long lead times on some of the needed equipment as well as price uncertainty due to expected tariffs.
"Back in January, council approved the first maximum price agreement for the project," Patton said. "There will be one more agreement coming and that will be the biggest as the contract is currently estimated at $8.1 million."
Patton said council's committee of the whole will meet April 9 to discuss this third and final contract in more detail.
Under the agreement with the county, the city's lease will give Medina the exclusive use of roughly 28,000 square feet of the former 1969 Courthouse. The space used by the Medina County Law Library Resources Board will also remain within the building.