Last week, I shared the potential health benefits of dark chocolate. Did anyone think this week I would be endorsing the fluffy, sugar-laden treats known as marshmallows? Alas not.
I loved marshmallows when I was kid, but we all know that loading up on sugar is not conducive to long-term health.
Marshmallow root (Althaea officinalis), on the other hand, has been used for over 2,000 years for food and medicinal purposes. This plant is the original source of marshmallows, believe it or not. The roots are sugary and mucilaginous, meaning they produce a sweet gelatinous concoction. (
Historically, making marshmallows was time-consuming since each treat had to be "manually poured and molded." Thus, they were quite expensive and only the wealthy could afford them. By the mid-19th century, the process was mechanized. Today, there is no marshmallow sap in marshmallows. They typically contain corn syrup, cornstarch and gelatin. (
Due to the slick gel in marshmallow, it forms a coat that is used to soothe the throat and stomach. Historically, it has also been used for asthma, bronchitis, cold, cough, inflammatory bowel diseases, indigestion and ulcers. Additionally, it is sometimes applied topically to help with chapped skin. (
Mount Sinai shares marshmallow root is available in tea, capsule or tincture. It is generally considered safe and has "no reported side effects." However, it is recommend that people talk to their healthcare provider first as it can interfere with the "absorption of other drugs or herbs."
The school of pharmacy at University of Connecticut states marshmallow has also been used to treat insect bites, wounds and eczema. (
According to my alma mater, Texas Tech University, marshmallow plants grow in hardiness zones 3 to 7, which means we can grow this beautiful plant here. Marshmallows can grow to 4 feet tall and spread by 2 to 3 feet. (